Today I want to review Geo Big Grang Grang that I've been used lately. This is my fiirst pair of contact lenses and I really really love it ! My eyes are so small, so I think this lens is really obvious yet natural (?) in my eyes.
P.S. : This is not a sponsored review :)
P.S. : This is not a sponsored review :)
Good day everyone, today I want to tell you about my first eye mask.. it's Purederm Collagen Eye Zone Mask. I have a severe under-eye circle for a long time :( I hope this mask can cure it...somehow.. Even though I don't expect to much :')
Today I want to review this cute product from The Body Shop. This sphere-like lip balm remind us of EOS lip balms product right? Well, nowadays, there were so many lip balm that imitate the shape of EOS lip balm. Is this lip balm as good as their shape? Okay, let's see how it works on my lips ^^
Saya ini hanya anak kuliahan biasa yang pendapatannya hanya dari uang jajan orang tua saya yang biasa-biasa saja. Saya juga hanya wanita remaja biasa yang memiliki keinginan untuk membeli kosmetik walaupun uang saya pas-pasan :( *ceritanya ngenes*. Jadi saya sekarang mau menulis wishlist make up apa saja yang saya
Langsung aja ya, read more untuk lihat wish list saya untuk saat ini ^^
Read more to see how it looks like on my lips!
This is my first time coloring my hair. My urge to color my hair was since about six months ago, but I'm just afraid because my hair isn't good, it's really dry, and everybody says coloring makes ones hair become dry.. My hair is already dry, with hair color of course it will become more dry *can't imagine it :(
But because of my curiosity in hair dye, I finally tried it! I got this Beautylabo hair dye for free from Kawaii Beauty Japan. Thankyou KBJ !
Inside of the box (I think they put the gloves too, but I forgot to include it in this photo, sorry) |
I choose the color pure beige (and now I quiet regret it because the color is not fair enough for my virgin hair.. I should've choose the blonde one)
I was not dye my hair by myself, I went to a salon near my house. It's really cheap, only Rp. 20.000 if I bring my own hair dye (so happy laa ^^).
Because I don't have any courage to dye my long hair by myself :(
Please read more to see the result on my hair
Please read more to see the result on my hair
I went to HK and Macau with my family last week, it's a fun trip. We went there as backpackers lol. When I went to HK, of course there's only one place I really want to go... SASA ! When I see Sasa for the first time when I was at Macau Venetian. I went there immediately, and it's just looks like... HEAVEN OH GOD! But I can't buy too much things because I don't have so much money *student dilemma...
Because rupiahs rate are really low now, to buy things there are soooooo heavy for me... It's all so expensive :( (at least for me). I will create a brief review for all of this things.
Please read more to see the details of my haul ^^
Please read more to see the details of my haul ^^
Akhirnya... ini dia lip tint pertama gw lol. Entah harus seneng atau sedih :| Walaupun lip tint ini kayanya udah produk lama dari Etude House, tapi ya gapapalah ya baru review sekarang hihihi :P
Gw beli ini di beautykorea di elevenia, lagi promo gitu, sekitar 52rb untuk 2 lip tint mini ini.. mini bangettt, berharap aja sih ga cepet abis.. walopun mungkin harapan itu hanya bakal terjadi kalo gw jarang pakainya.. *ceritanya dramatis*
Okeoke back, jadi gw beli 2 warna yaitu swing pop dan cherry pop. Udah dari dulu pengen beli lip tint dengan hint warna orange tapi yg ga ngejreng gitu, dan gw akhirnya memutuskan buat beli lip tint ini. Saya review yang swing pop aja yaa hehehe
Please read more to see the result on my lips ^^
Halooo, akhirnya gw inget juga buat nonton movie ini... Mau download tapi kelupaan melulu. Ini lanjutan dari P3 movie yang pertama yaaa. Bahkan gw udah lupa ending movie yang pertama itu kayak gimana.. Abis nonton ini movie, gw jadi kepengen main P3 lagi walaupun udah namatin berapa kali gw lupa...
Jadi, cerita dimulai dari salah satu scene di full moon ke-3 (bener ga ya yang ke-3? atau ke-4? lol lupa). Nah, pokoknya scene itu deh, tapi disini kayanya agak lebih dihiperbola gitu daripada di game nya. Si Yuuki (main character) nya *piip*. Nah gitu deh pokoknya, gw males ngejelasinnya.
Jadi, cerita dimulai dari salah satu scene di full moon ke-3 (bener ga ya yang ke-3? atau ke-4? lol lupa). Nah, pokoknya scene itu deh, tapi disini kayanya agak lebih dihiperbola gitu daripada di game nya. Si Yuuki (main character) nya *piip*. Nah gitu deh pokoknya, gw males ngejelasinnya.
Hello all ! Udah lama gw kepengen nulis post ini.. Walopun mungkin ga ada yang peduli juga sih sama rutinitas perawatan kulit gw, tapi yasudahlah, toh blog, blog gw ini.. suka-suka gw kan mau nulis apa.. wkwk. Walaupun gw bukan beauty blogger, tapi gapapalah ya ngepos ini hehehe.
Sebelum baca post ini, gw cuma mau bilang kalo gw pakai produk itu ga pernah yang mahal-mahal, maklumlah anak kuliahan dan belum bisa beli yang mahal-mahal, masih bergantung sama ortu :) Produk yang murah tapi ga murahan yaaa hihi..
Jenis kulit wajah gw itu mungkin bisa dibilang normal. Jerawatan cuma kalau ga cocok sama suatu produk aja atau saat lagi masa sensitif aja (if you know what I mean).
Okay, langsung aja ya, ini rutinitas gw sebelum berangkat ke kampus dan saat pulang dari kampus setiap hari :)